Wednesday 2 January 2019

SAGA Baggage and Objectives

A few pictures of my Baggage and objectives for Saga.

The baggage I picked up second hand at a show (Derby worlds) for a very reasonable price of £1.00 each. Good to get these painted and based at last. (Photos do not seem to do these justice, there is a lot more detail than they show)

The sceenario objectives are just plastic barrels from renedra.

Catalan Company

Some of the troops for my 15mm DBMM Catalan Company.



The Almogavars - The back bone of the Catalan Company.

Various crossbowmen

Assorted support - Hordes, light horse and psiloi superior.

Pirates....yargh (piratical naval troops...)


Thursday 27 December 2018

Saga - Vikings

New phone, better pictures.

My Saga Viking collection. Artizan figures, with Gripping Beast heroes, and Crusader miniatures Bezerkers.

Levies x 12

Warlords and Priest

Warriors x 8

Warriors x 8

Warriors x 8 with dane axes(can be filtered into the warriors above and used as generic)

Hearthguard x 4 with dane axe

Hearthguard x 8. (4 are dane axe armed with shield so can be designated as dane axe or hand weapon)

Beserkers x 4 (crusader miniatures)

Bonus pictures as they were available:

Objective markers finished

Milites Cristi force ready for tonight's game....

Monday 10 December 2018

Saga V2, Irish vs Norse Gaels, scenario 3 in book of battles

Saga V2: Irish vs Norse Gaels

Set up and ready to battle.

 End of round 1

 end of round 2

 end of round 3

 end of round 4

 end of round 5

 the end

Sunday 12 June 2016

Clan War

All figures

from back:12 swordmen, 20 archers(10 unpainted)

From back: 4 mounted westwind, 1 hero clan war.
4 foot west wind, 1 big hero clan war unpainted
4 damned clan war, 1 unpainted bezerker hero

front row clan war heros, heavys

front row clan war heros, heavy types

closer view of damned and westwind

closer view of mounted

closer view of basic warriors/bow

Sunday 1 May 2016

Two years down the line....

Well where do I start.

It has been almost two years since I last posted on this blog. That is certainly a bit of a shock for me. Is it really that long ago. It certainly does not feel like it.

My life has changed quite a bit since that last post, which basically coincided with my computer developing the habit of closing down when it decided it was too hot.

I won't bore anyone with the personnal details and events, but from a gaming perspective I had to have a massive downscale in what I can play and where I can play it.

I have room to just fit a 4' by 4' gaming table up at home now, so anything larger scale is restricted to playing at other peoples houses. I also have very little storage space now, so what I collect and play has also taken quite a hit.

This is actually quite a good thing, in that it has made me much more dedicated to the figures I do want to keep, and games I wish to play.

I sold a lot of my things off, and have a much more streamlined collection now, although I have also managed to branch out into a few new areas too.

So for the gamers reading this what do I play now:


I still have my very large Saga Collection. After all this time I am since enjoying this game immensely. I have a lot of extra things painted up from the last time I posted.

No pictures atm, something I still need to work on there, but effectivly I have the following Warbands all painted -

Anglo Danes
Pagan Rus

Plus I also can add a lot of other varied units to those listed, but I can certainly field 6pts of each force.

I also have a few unpainted/being worked on warbands too, Mutatawai, Franks and Revenants.


This is something we have picked up on that we play occasionally. Cheap to get and easy to play. Mordheim Lite as I think of it, I am slowly painting up my Chronomancer warband and then its onto my Sigilist who has been reading some of the more darker tomes - A great excuse to paint her in much darker evil colours, and field a band of more nasty looking guys with her. The group seem to think my nickname should be Team Evil, so I suppose I better live up to it.


I have also started playing DBMM a little while back, and have painted up a 15mm army for the Catalan Company. As one of their options they can take some turks, which nicely let me add some figures to easily make a second army of Seljuk Turks, which I am in the process of finishing off .

These are very nice armys for me to look at, featuring some nice colour, and being 15mm they are actually very easy to store.

Wargods of Aegyptus,

I still have my Wargods figures, and have one of the large GW carry cases full of them. Still a great game to play, I love the way the activation orders work for this system.

Other Forces:

I still have approx 1500pts of Arc fleet for critical mass,

A 2000pt Moria goblin hoard for War of the Rings

A Clan War Crab Clan samurai army - This may have to go I think for storage reasons, and the fact I have not used it in some 5 years.

My last remaining Mordheim gang, The Sisters of Sigmar. Sentimental, as it was the game that really got me more serious about miniatures, and I would also never be able to replace these at a reasonable cost now.

And somewhere(I think it is in a friends garage) I have a large Battle Fleet Gothic collection. - Again I only have this for sentimental reasons, and I suspect it really should go to.

Well that is a bit of a blurb after a two year break.

I shall try to work on how I can get some pictures up again, as there are some interesting things in there.

Cheers for now, John.

Sunday 11 May 2014


Saga. A nice simple title for this post. I thought I would list up what I have got painted and based (and played with) for Saga. I shocked myself with how much there actually is.

Scot/Irish (and Welsh) Type Figures

Warlord - Foot

8 Hearthguard - Foot/spears
6 Hearthguard - Foot/Daneaxes
2 Curaigh - Foot/Javelins
8 Hearthguard - Mounted(can also be used as Curaigh/Warlord)

32 Warriors - Foot/Spears
8 Wardogs

12 Levy - Foot/Javelins

Viking Type Figures

Warlord - Foot

8 Hearthguard
8 Beserkers
12 Hearthguard (Daneaxe armed)

16 Warriors (spear/javelins as required)

24 Levy (Bows)

Anglo Type Figures

Warlord Daneaxe
Warlord Sword (Hereward the Wake)
Warlord Axe (Aelfred the Great if I remember rightly))
12 Hearthguard Daneaxe
4 Hearthguard Spear

24 Warriors(Plastic GB)

12 Levy Slings(Plastic GB)

Spanish/Breton Type Figures

Warlord Mounted
Warlord Mounted
Warlord Mounted

8 Hearthguard Mounted

24 Warriors Mounted
8 warriors Foot

Byzantine Force

Warlord mounted

8 Hearthguard mounted with Spear
4 Hearthguard mounted with Bow

8 warrior with Spear
8 Warrior with Bow

Swords for Hire

8 Steppe Nomads
12 Angry Monks
8 Flemish Mercenarys (Plastic - Conquest Games with GB big plastic spears)
Bard on foot (Scot/Irish Themed)

Norman/Frank/Crusader Types

Warlord Mounted

8 Hearthguard Mounted (plastic)
8 Hearthguard Foot/Daneaxe (Plastic)

8 Warriors Foot/Crossbows (metal)
8 Warriors Mounted (plastic)
8 Warriors Foot (plastic)

12 Levy with Bow (plastic)

Arabic Figures

Warlord Mounted on Camel
Warlord Mounted on Horse

4 Hearthguard Mounted with Bow
4 Hearthguard Mounted 

24 Warriors

That is it for now, a total of 389 figures so far....