I have been doing a lot of painting this week. Sadly 4 days of it was mostly white gloss in a ladies toilet at work with 3 cubicles .... When you touch a wall to smooth the paint in preparation and the plaster beneath just falls out right to the brick in powder form you know it is going to be a bad day at the office ... Still enough of that rubbish, onto the more interesting facets, I did get a little miniature painting done this week.
Firstly a little exposure on my dodgy painting habits. I really struggle to batch paint. I find I have to break up units and add little bits and pieces in here and there to break the monotony of similar figures. Hence why there is a random bunch of things to show off here.
Onto the painting before I really bore you...
Last game I played, I realized I did not actually have any "fields" or anything to even substitute for them. This need rectifying. So I grabbed an old tea towel, and a piece of board I was using for cutting on (salvaged from a bin at work). A little scissor magic and some pva glue, then a little home mixed paint, which was used again with more added cheap yellow for the second coat produced the following. I quite like it. It will certainly do for the moment for M&T and Saga I believe. 28mm Front Rank British figure for scale.
(board is about 11" x 8" using caretakers eye for measurement)
Next we move onto a little 15mm Sci Fi. I am slowly doing these up for the game called Gruntz. I have not actually tried this yet, but have had a look through the rules and it looks a pretty decent set. The first are some I painted a little while ago, 6 x Naga Infantry by Critical Mass games, I just have never taken pictures before. The one with the white stripe is the units leader figure. Also note the bright colours. Now this really is something I do not tend to do often. As I post more things you will possibly notice my more muted approch to colour, but again I digress.

Next we have what I actually did this week to split my unit time up a little, an Agamid Infantry, again from Critical Mass. The theory behind my force for Grunts is that it will be a mercenary type company, so That adds to the fact I can have an army of many varied units and different colours. I like how this has turned out, especially as it is 15mm. A bit star wars inspired maybe looking at it... 5 more to go of these.
Finally one of my Pirate figures I bought last saturday to use as civilians in M&T. I kept him more muted. Sometimes I think a beautiful sculpt just needs a simple paint scheme to show it off better. I really like this one. I am turning into quite a fan of Crusader miniatures, my style of painting seems to sit nicely with their stuff.
Well what have these all been interrupting, British Light Infantry is the answer. I have found a terrific unit to base them on, the 55th Foot, which compliments my 45th Regulars well. No picture yet, as they are still in progress. 4 down, 4 to go for the first unit of 8, then another 8 of the fellows.
As always, your thoughts/criticisms are always much appreciated.
Cheers, John.